Church Covenant
The village Church, Greenwich, exists to glorify God by helping individuals to become Christians, and encouraging Christians to become more like Jesus.
The Lord Jesus is the Saviour and head of the worldwide church. He is the source of life as he works among his people by His Spirit. The New Testament shows that this universal church is found in smaller gatherings of God’s people. The Village Church, Greenwich is one such gathering. Like any church it is the people within it and their relationships with each other, which define it. It is a living body; a family with the life of Christ and the Word of God as its foundation.
It is clear from both Scripture and common sense that things should be done in good order. This document, together with our ‘Guidelines for Church Life,’ help explain what sort of church we are. It is written for those who wish to express their commitment to this church. It shows the rights and responsibilities of belonging to a local fellowship of believers.
We believe that baptism follows repentance and faith and that such is the New Testament sign of church membership. This is administered in our church through a formal membership system.
In writing and adopting this, the church recognises its fallibility and the need for continual review and reform where needed. The aim is that our organisation as well as our lifestyle may promote the aims of the church as summarised by the following mission statement.
The Village Church aims to:
Glorify God, by honouring Father, Son and Spirit in every aspect of life with the Bible as our guide.
Grow together, by encouraging one another in our fellowship with God and with one another, by worshipping God together and living holy lives.
Spread the Gospel (the good news of salvation through faith in Jesus Christ) as widely as possible so that by all means some will be saved.
As members of The Village Church, Greenwich, and as an expression of our commitment to these aims, we make the following pledge to God and to one another.
Our Pledge to God and to one another
As followers of the Lord Jesus Christ we are part of his body, the church, and desire to express this in the fellowship of this local church.
Acts 2v42-47 gives a wonderful example of what we, as a community of God’s people should be. Through the empowerment of the Holy Spirit, the early Christians were devoted!
Devoted to the Lord Jesus Christ (including his word, worship and ordinances)
Devoted to one another (in loving fellowship and mutual support, much of it in homes)
Devoted to the world (through evangelism and personal witness. Although persecution took place, the early disciples were an active and positive group in the local community.)
As members of this church we devote ourselves to:
developing and preserving the unity and love of the fellowship.
growing in our knowledge and understanding of God’s word and in our following of its teaching through both the teaching ministry of the church and our own personal devotions.
the ministry of prayer including the public prayer life of the church and our own personal and family devotions.
regularly breaking bread together at the Lord’s Supper.
supporting the ministry of the church in the giving of time, activity and resources.
worshipping God together.
serving the Lord in church, home, work and community in an attitude of love and holiness.